2025 News and Updates

A few of the new arrivals for The Top Lake

Completion of the otter fence

Top Lake changes


No particle baits to be used during 2024, the Top Lake will be Boilie and pellets only.


As from 2024 The Top Lake now has a few changes to the rules, the main one being barbless hooks. The reason for changing to barbless hooks is due the the increased level of trailing fish reported during 2023 and fish being teathered in the reeds, unable to free themselves. We lost a very special fish , a 27lb scaley mirror which had been teathered to a large amount of spod braid, marker braid and even a marker float. The rig that had been used was shocking with a size 2stainless steel hook with a huge barb, a 5oz lead which had been tied to the swivel so the fish was not even able to drop the lead. The damage to this fish was horrendous and it sadly died a few days after being rescued and treated. So to prevent this we will be checking rigs more strictly and the barbless hook rule will be enforced.

We have now relaxed the braided mainline rule, enabling anglers to use this option as long as it is used with addequate tubing and a barbless hook. There are a few tweaks to leaders, leadfree and leadcore can now be used but to a maximum length of 12-18", this is made possible by the barbless hook rule. The option to drop or not to drop leads will be angler specific, drop them if thats how you fish but its not a rule. We do ask you fish responsibly when the weed is up in the summer and when using lead clips, make sure the lead can easily come off. All anglers must have some form of carp care, its been a real shock to me just how many anglers dont have this, please grab yourself one before fishing our lakes. Bait boats are still allowed as they have been used responsible over the years.

All groups are to complete a catch report and send us pictures, this is so we can monitor the fish much more closely to see the condition, weight and frequency of captures. All forms of nuts are still banned as is the use of maggots and squats.


Catfish Lake changes


The catfish lake is now known as The Reservoir, this is due to the name being missleading as it contains a lot of carp and will recieve regular stockings of more carp during 2024. This lake will also carry the barbless hook rule and all rigs must include a free running lead setup. Maximum hooklength should be no more than 12" to avoid deep hooking the catfish. No deadbaits to be used now for 2024. Pellets, boilies, particles, worms, meat etc and all fine to be used. This lake does contain a few carp to 30lb including 2 commons.This lake is currently closed unless you have an exclusive booking which will go ahead as normal.


Match Lake changes


As part of out ongoing development of the fishery the match lake will return to a stock pond for 2024, this is due to us planning for the future and stocking 1000 C1 carp supplied by Viv and Simon of VS Fisheris. They will be fed consistently throughout the growing season and I expect them to substantially gain in weight. Any carp over 5lb will be moved to the reservoir and any over 10lb will be moved to The Top Lake. Limited fishing will be available on this lake by appointment only as usual.


Work being carried out


Top Lake work will continue during the months of January and February when the lake is closed to anglers, anyone wanting to help can contact me, any help is always welcomed and appreciated. The snags from the islands will all be cleared by the end of February in an attempt to push the fish out from unfishable areas and to start visiting the margins more frequently. This will reduce the chances of lost fish and live rigs hanging off the trees. I removed over 25 rigs, some with meters of trailing line just from the trees on the corner of the island infront of swim 8. This clearly shows how often rigs are accidently being cast into the trees or carried by the strong cross winds. Another good reason for baitboats to be allowed. I have been feeding an updated version of the V12 freezer boilies on a weekly basis which has kept the fish moving around and having had some sneaky sessions myself, the fish ive caught have been absolutely stunning and gaining in weight. This new version of V12 will be available to purchase as the fishery bait for 2024, further details will be on the bait page. 





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©EarlsHallFisheries2024 Last updated 11th Feb 2025

